#994 July 14, 2024

On our latest show: We listen to Mexican Jays, Great-tailed Grackles, and Lesser Goldfinches in listener bird reports from Arizona and Belize; Mike O’Connor talks about the plucky (and polygynous) House Wren; and Highland Electric Fleet’s Amy McGuire tells us how her company is helping to clean up toxic pollution-spewing school buses.

#993 July 7, 2024

On our latest show, we revisit how to create a Homegrown National Park, with Doug Tallamy; we hear some cool birds from Oregon and British Columbia; we get oriole-feeding advice from Mike O’Connor; and we celebrate the start of Plastic-free July.

#989 June 9, 2024

On our latest show (#989 June 9): Dorian Anderson’s 18,000-mile bike birding adventure; listener audio postcards from Maine and Italy; flamingos across America; and more bird feeding myths busted by Mike O’Connor.