On our latest show: a live Whooping Crane report, and a homemade suet recipe from David Clapp; and advice concerning pet fur and nesting birds from Mike O’Connor.
#575 May 15, 2016
On today's show: Whooping Cranes on the mend; the bird in the hoodie; and Baltimore Orioles in your backyard.
#570 April 10, 2016
On today's show: a live Sandhill Crane update from the banks of Nebraska's Platte River; the beautiful Kentucky Warbler; and advice about preventing birds from attacking your windows.
#549 November 8, 2015
Today's show: Birding legend David Sibley joins us live in-studio.
#548 November 1, 2015
Live by the Whooping Cranes at the Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge in Laurel, Maryland.
#542 September 20, 2015
On today’s show: a Hawk Mountain live report; the “Meatloaf on a Stick”; and a preview of our live National Wildlife Refuge broadcast.
#541 September 13, 2015
We're talkin' Whooping Cranes, sea ducks, hummingbirds, and "greedy beaks."
#91: December 31, 2006
Mike O'Connor talks about how and why to provide water for birds this winter, and in our Science Corner we get some good news about Whooping Cranes.