On our latest show: an audio postcard from the Columbian Amazon; an important Wood Thrush tracking project; and Mike O’Connor’s thoughts on the European Starling.
#938 June 11, 2023
On our latest show, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Hugh Powell talks about the Canadian wildfires’ effect on birds. Plus, avian audio postcards from western Maryland and northern New Zealand.
#887 June 12, 2022
On our latest show: Prothonotary Warblers in Ohio; the BIPOC birding club in Wisconsin with Jeff Galligan and Rita Flores Wiskowski; bird myth busting from Cape Cod.
#827 April 11, 2021
On Our Latest Show: The Biggest Week in American Birding; an Audio Postcard from a Gulf Coast birding hotspot; and more excellent advice from our backyard bird feeding expert Mike O’Connor.
#781 May 24, 2020
On Our Latest Show: Orioles — Baltimore and Bullock’s; a Dawn Chorus audio postcard; and the joys of mealworms.
#534 July 12, 2015
Today's Show: Can we save the Wood Thrush? Can herons swim? And Ray on NPR.
#532 June 28, 2015
Today,: Listening to the Wood Thrush -- with one of the world's greatest bird song experts.
#528 May 31, 2015
On today's show we meet the “Cotton-backed Yellowhammer”; try to solve the mystery of Bird Ventriloquism; and learn the identity of a name-saying Mystery Bird.
#486: August 10, 2014
Trying to save the Wood Thrush. And, is it a bird or a cowboy boot?